This ceiling was discovered by the client, hidden behind a new plasterboard ceiling. It was quite badly damaged in places and coming away from the laths and joists above. There was a 5mm thick build up of layers of lime wash over all the detail, so we were unsure what the decorative elements were until they were cleaned. The ceiling was propped from below before cleaning the laths and plaster keys above. New joists were then put in alongside the old timbers to take the increased weight of our repair. Stainless steel mesh trays were screwed to the joists and plaster poured on top of the ceiling to cast it in place. We then started to clean and repair, revealing the detail of the ceiling and the decorative frieze. A new cornice was run in-situ where detail was missing, and the plasterwork was given a thin coat of limewash.
This job was completed under the supervision of Richard Marsh Conservation.